Have you ever been sick with something as small as a cold? During this time all you feel like doing is laying down and not doing to much of nothing. Yet, when you get up, shower & get going you notice you feel a whole lot better. Not saying your not coughing, sneezing or having body aches. Yet, you find a way to push through the pain and accomplish what needs to be done that day. It may be just going to work because you don't have any vacation days or you need the money; going to school because missing one day is really like missing a week; or maybe just not letting your pain interfere with your child(ren) after school activity schedule. The point is on many occasions we find ourselves taking one for the team and pushing our way through our pain.
Well in the same we do that we also need to push through pain we experience spiritually. There are life situations that make us weak (physically, mentally or spiritually) where we want to lay down and do nothing.
That is not the answer!!! We must fight our way through. Now, when I say fight I mean spiritual warfare is real. Not you taking it to streets and physically fighting someone who is getting on your nerves, lol. Get up, take a shower, brush your teeth, read your Bible & pray (gaining strength) and let your day begin. Now in no way am I saying it will be easy. Just as when your sick it may hurt to blow your nose or cough. But guess what? You still do it because it has to come out. So yes, you may cry, scream and/or holla but key is you can do it.
Just try! Take it one day at a time. No need to worry about how you will make it through the next day because it will take care of itself. Focus on Today! Once you make it though, you will smile because what you've been afraid of doing (trying) you accomplished. Realizing God has your back, pushing through your pain was beyond worth it, your another day closer to your destiny and your faith in God has heightened. You can make it! Now it's time for you to believe it too.
PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens
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