The Death...
Continue to kill our flesh daily. If those desires don't line up with the Word of God then if you don't kill them first they will kill you. Not only kill you but kill you with no hope of life (flatline). In other words... It's not all about a physical death but a mental one.
The Burial...
6 feet under is where some things need to be. When delivered from people, places & things leave them where we left them. It may be hard to say goodbye but guess what you will say hello to will be far greater than what you just buried.
The Ressurection...
It's time to get up and walk in your new season! Don't be scurred to be who God created you to be. You have purpose to fulfill that God's given not man given. Live to to please Him. No matter what may come the blood has already been shed and covers you. You are Peculiar & royalty. Speak Like It... Think Like It... Act Like It...
Changing the world one blog at a time...
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