Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thank You Lord

At times one can get so caught up on what they don't have, what they need and all that jazz. By the time those thoughts finish occupying space; you've lost sight of what you have. Forgetting that you are blessed!Don't put so much emphesis on what is going wrong that you forget to thank God for ALL that is going right. It's easy to take the small things for granteed but remember some people would love to be even where you are. Yes, u! There are poeple who would love to read a book, but can't! Love to run on a treadmill, but can't!. Love to listen to some Mary Mary, but can't! Love to have a home to call home, but don't! So as you continue to strive & obtain all God has for you be thankful. Give God thanks for every opportunity to advance, learn & grow. Give God thanks for hard times so that He may continue to show himself stong in your life. Thank God for those whom He placed in your life who love & push you into your destiny. Thank God for your enemies too! Thank God for the ability to move, see, hear & live! Just a reminder, God knows what you need. The situation you are in didn't catch God by surprise. No season in your life is pointless. Now, take a minute and reflect. Made you smile, right?! There are a whole lot of shoulda, coulda, woulda's that could have happened.... but God!

All I can do is think of this song:

It could have been me, out doors, with no shoes, and no clothes, all left alone, with out a friend or just another number, with a tragic end, but you didn't see fit to let none of these things be, You keep on, keeping on, keeping on blessing me, and I wanna say, THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE FOR ME!

Changing the world one blog at a time...

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