Thursday, January 13, 2011


My song of this week is James Fortune's, "I Believe." This song captures the very essence of what we should never stop doing - BELIEVING! I know you may think, "chile you only 26, you haven't even experienced life yet." Oh wait, maybe you're saying, " You can't even imagine what I've been through." You're right & maybe I can't! However, although our experiences may be different it doesn't take away from the hurt/pain of life & the notion of wanting to give up. Life gets hard! Well, honestly life can get worse than hard. It can cause you to think/do crazy things. Not to mention you were already two seconds away from giving it all up before the last issue arose. You know how it happens, always one thing after another.

First you lose your job --> Then no unemployment --> oh wait, now the household bills are due --> five months & still no call backs for a job --> Savings account is $20 away from 0--> Family emergency and everyone is calling you --> Did the refrigerator just play out? --> Employed & the job is stressful --> Hate the job any way cause you're only working it for a check --> He/she committed adultery --> Death of a love one --> Child acting as if they had no home training --> Abused by boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse --> Pregnancy test is positive --> Financial aid office tripping --> Athlete & now injured --> Now the church folk working your nerves.........

I could keep going, going & going. However, there is one common denominator - JESUS! When life bricks fall and even begin to pile up, BELIEVE. Of course you think easier said then done. Yet, be reminded nothing is to hard for the Lord. Even when we make choices that put ourselves in silly situations... Jesus still looks out for us. How many times has He came to your rescue? I can't count them either :). He really wants you to live an abundant life. Here's the thing though. We must get past losing or wavering in our faith when things get hard. Let Jesus show you His Word is true. That He will do the very thing He said He would. BELIEVE you are strong enough & equipped to handle your situation. Even while you're going through BELIEVE Jesus is working on your behalf. Remember, you're going through. Meaning not stuck in that present situation forever. Just as the seasons change so will the seasons in your life. You may not see the end but BELIEVE your victory story is already written. BELIEVE the very thing you need Jesus to do... He's able! You may cry, get frustrated or whatever but in that; Smile, trust and BELIEVE, "It's already done."

...Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

If you haven't heard the song or need to hear it again, I posted it on Monday

Changing the world one blog at a time...

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